Halo Infinite is set to launch later this year, it was meant to be available at launch for the Xbox Series X/S but development was slowed due to COVID-19. 343 Industries release monthly updates to keep fans in the loop on features being added and the progress of the project. There is a chance a launch date will be revealed at this years Xbox Summer Spotlight, rumours and leaks suggest the typical Halo launch month of November is still the target.
As of now in terms of gameplay and interviews regarding the project’s development are few and far between but, when an official launch date is announced we expect fans to be inundated with a plethora of information. Here are some of the things you can expect from Halo Infinite before launch.
Multiplayer Reveal
The two things we know about multiplayer so far is that it’s free and Forge will be making a return, oh the fond memories of duck hunt will never be forgotten. We don’t know what specific playlists will entail, we assume the classics TDM, Oddball, SWAT and King of the Hill will be included but will there be any new game types? Will there be a battle royale type mode? We just don’t know yet, although the rumours for battle royale are leaning heavily towards “no” we can’t rule it out. Along with game modes we’re intrigued to find out about maps, vehicles, guns and customisations which we expect to be revealed at Xbox Summer Showcase.
Characters and Story
Although we know Master Chief and his Pelican pilot are the two main protagonists at the beginning and the antagonists are the Banished contingent led by the menacing Brute Escharum. Recent leaks suggest that there are two more Spartans named Stone and Griffin along with other characters but their role in the Zeta Halo’s war is unknown.
Beta Tests
Like many games these days beta tests are imperative to garner invaluable real-world feedback and according to reports, 343 Industries will be hosting multiple Halo betas throughout the year. These beta tests are said to start small and expand in size every time following a similar method used to create updates for Halo: Master Chief Collection.
343 will be selecting testers through its Halo Insider programme so if you’re interested in testing Halo: Infinite then we strongly advise you to register, simply click here.
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