A new Call of Duty: Warzone clip has gone viral for showing another new exploit, hackers have been plaguing the title on all platform for months and they don’t seem to be slowing down. The clip tweeted by ModernWarzone on Twitter and shows hackers/cheaters can now go invisible. Keep in mind this may just be a glitch in the game as apposed to a hack.

Either way, you can imagine that players weren’t happy when watching the clip which came the day after Activision and Raven Software banned 30,000 hackers in the first phase of their crackdown.

It could be a killcam glitch that didn’t show the jeep the player was riding in but, again, it’s another problem to add to the long list of bugs and glitches which have been causing issues since launch.

This could be a big problem for Warzone as many players are threatening to quit and play other games like Fortnite, Apex Legends and other battle royales.

Here are some of the communities tweets on the issue:

Do you think this is another hack or a killcam glitch?

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