This texture pack is aimed at those with displays of 1440P and above, it’s available for both Warzone and Cold War.
Weighing in at just under 7GB for consoles the texture pack is available for Xbox, PlayStation and PC. It’s recommended for 1440p resolutions and above meaning, it’s only suitable for those with the aforementioned console/computer.
This marks the fifth texture pack released for Warzone thus far with previous packs upgrading visual detail for character models and guns.
Earlier this month (June) Raven Software released Call of Duty Season 4 which included 120hz support for PlayStation 5. This was already available for the Xbox Series X console but requires an HDMI 2.1.
In April creative director for Warzone, Amos Hodge told attendees at an exclusive press event that Raven is working on a full new-gen version of the game for Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 but no details were confirmed.
This new-gen game could include a custom field of view (FOV) setting like the PC version. Amos didn’t share a road map, so we don’t know when this will happen.
Earlier this week Raven released an update that nerfed the MG 82 and we couldn’t be happier, that gun was the most OP weapon in a while.
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