Resident Evil: Village is set to release tomorrow (7th May 2021) and the PC modding community have already started to modify the game replacing enemies with Barney the Dinosaur…
Modder Marcos RC is the creator of this mod and it’s available to download from his Patreon page along with others. When players download and install this mod they’re able to replace all of the enemies with a friendly familiar purple dinosaur, which being honest, probably makes the game that much scarier.
It’s not just modders who are starting to tweak Resident Evil: Village, players have also found a way to extend the 60min time limit put on the demo by Camcom. A forum on Steam shares many tricks that allow players to play the demo as many times as they want to give them the opportunity to complete it or just wander around and explore the eerie yet stunning gothic scenery.
Mods are rife within the PC community enhancing the game’s experience by adding everything from funny variations to tweaking difficulty. Two of the most popular characters to replace 3D models are Thomas the Tank Engine and Barney the Dinosaur, so it’s not all that surprising this mod has appeared so quickly.
The full game is set to release tomorrow (7th May 2021) on PC, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Stadia. If you’re willing to risk ruining your childhood you can check out the Barny mod below.
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