Call of Duty Warzone is adding another dark skin similar to the controversial ‘Roze’ cosmetic as part of the new Season 4 Reloaded update this week.

The update is set to go live on 15th July and will arrive with numerous updates, including Special Ops: Pro Pack which will add a new all-black skin for the ‘Portnova Operator’.

This skin is causing a stir in the Warzone scene as it has many similarities with the controversial ‘Roze’ skin, which we all know and hate.

The skin is entirely black and makes it incredibly difficult for players to spot in dark areas throughout Verdansk. Players take advantage of this and camp in dark corners and wait for enemies to walk past for cheap kills.

Recently, Raven Software tried to combat the criticism surrounding the Roze skin by making updates to its visibility. Now the skin appears brighter in darker areas and long distances.

Fortunately, according to ModernWarzone, the Portnova skin will have similar visibility.

Another thing to note is that Warzone is getting a sentry gun killstreak, Weaver operator, OTS9 and Mace weapons, and a new Payload game mode described as Warzone’s “first-ever objective-based game mode” according to Raven’s blog post.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, the ‘automatic sentry gun’ killstreak. It can be found as part of an “extremely rare” legendary item drop inside a Red Door room Supply Box. It scans around a 180-degree radius where it’s facing to seek and destroy lasting for around a minute after being deployed and collapses in a harmless explosion.

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