Smaller more optimised file sizes are said to be happening in the Season 2 Reloaded update. Those who own both Modern Warfare and Warzone or just the free to play Battle Royale will notice their file size has been decreased and this will vary across your respective platform.

This has been made possible by the overall content management system, data optimisation and streamlining content packs needed for game modes. First of you will notice a larger than normal update and before you start claiming we lied… this update will include all the optimisations necessary to reduce the overall file size. This update is set to go live today (30th March) at 6pm.

The update will give players the ability to remove individual modes which are no longer played and owners of both MW and Warzone will see more space freed for other games. However, you may want to still play the campaign, special ops or/and multiplayer, if this is you, then you’ll need to reinstall the optimised content packs which will be available with and just after Season 2 Reloaded update.

The update will see the Warzone file size reduced between 10.9 GB and 14.2 GB and both MW and Warzone file size reduced by between 30.6 GB and 33.6GB, platform depending.

The following are the approximate reductions for both MW and Warzone file size on different platforms.

PC: 11.8 GB (Warzone only) / 30.6 GB (Warzone & MW)

Xbox Series X/S: 14,2 GB (Warzone only) / 33.6 GB (Warzone & MW)

Xbox One: 14.2 GB (Warzone only) / 33.6GB (Warzone & MW)

PlayStation 5/4: 10.9 GB (Warzone only) / 30.6 GB (Warzone & MW)

Season 2 Reloaded: Update file size

The Season 2 update download size will be around 7.4 GB – 14.18 GB for owners of the complete version of Cold War and 52 GB – 57.8 GB for Warzone owners who are up-to-date with the respective updates.

Black Ops Cold War update sizes

PlayStation 5: 12.2 GB

PlayStation 4: 7.4 GB

Xbox Series X/S: 14.18 GB

Xbox One: 9.13 GB

PC: 8.1 GB

Warzone Update Sizes

PlayStation 5: 52.0 GB

PlayStation 4: 52.0 GB

Xbox Series X/S: 57.8 GB

Xbox One: 57.8 GB

PC: 52.4 GB (Warzone Only) / 133.6 GB (Warzone and MW)

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