Have you ever wondered if you’ve played against a streamer or pro in Warzone? Well, don’t fret like many things this day and age there’s an app for that, well a website but you get the gist.
There isn’t a regimented ranked system/playlist in Warzone so you rely on SBMM (Skilled Based Matchmaking) which can be pretty unreliable at times. This means you could end up in a lobby full of noobs or elite sweats, there’s no way to predict which you’ll get. This leaves players intrigued whether they’ve come against some of the biggest names in Warzone.
We aren’t talking about the terminated SBMMWarzone website either. This website is called WZRanked and is popular for checking the most used weapons, it now has an additional feature that allows you to check through previous lobbies.
As a part of this feature, you’re able to search for streamers you’ve played against in the past and how you faired. Finally, you can now find out if you’ve outplayed your favourite/least favourite Warzone pros.
How to find out who you’ve played against
You can see what information the website offers in the screenshot above, you can also find out many more stats by clicking on the ‘Details’ link.
To check out your own game history all you need is your Battle.net, PlayStation or Xbox account ID and follow the below steps.
- Open up WZRanked.com
- Input your account information
- If your account is set to private you’ll need to make it public by visiting the Call of Duty website and following the steps
- Navigate to the “Streamers” bar located at the top of your profile
- Scroll through all the streamers you’ve played against.
WZRanked said they still have access to Activision’s API for Warzone, which means they haven’t suffered the same fate as SBMMWarzone as of yet. We aren’t sure if they will be left alone or if Activision will step in but until that happens, enjoy finding out which streamers you’ve played against.
In the meantime, check out the HYPD Stream Team on Facebook and HYPDLive on our Twitch channel streaming games daily.
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