In addition to the bounty-hunting business, the update introduces new tools and props for creating custom Drift and Drag Races in the Creator. Players can now design high-octane race tracks, complete with new units such as drivers performing donuts, bouncing lowriders, and crowd animations. This enhancement allows for more creative freedom and diverse race setups, making the racing experience in GTA Online more dynamic and engaging.

Expanded Creator Features

The Creator upgrades also include the ability to launch tests from any chosen checkpoint and the option to race multiple rounds in Drag Races before declaring a winner. These features aim to streamline the race creation process and provide a more competitive edge to custom races.

Quality of Life Improvements

The update brings several quality-of-life improvements to GTA Online. The Sell Mission timer has been increased, making it easier for solo players to handle Biker and Gunrunning sales. Additionally, snacks will automatically replenish when launching most missions, and the defensive and armor capabilities of the Sparrow and Bombushka have been buffed. These changes are designed to enhance the overall gameplay experience and reduce frustration for players.

Boosts to Payouts

Rockstar Games is committed to ensuring that all mission types in GTA Online are fun and rewarding. As part of this update, base payouts for players participating in Open Wheel Races, Taxi Work, and many Contact Missions will be increased. This adjustment aims to make these activities more lucrative and appealing to players, encouraging more diverse gameplay.

Continuous Monitoring and Balancing

Rockstar will continue to monitor and balance payouts across all mission types to maintain a fair and enjoyable experience for players. This ongoing commitment to game balance demonstrates Rockstar’s dedication to providing a high-quality gaming experience in GTA Online.


The summer update for GTA Online brings a host of new features and improvements, from establishing a bounty-hunting business to enhanced race creation tools and various quality-of-life upgrades. These additions promise to make the game more engaging and enjoyable for all players, ensuring that GTA Online remains a dynamic and exciting virtual world.

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