One of the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Week 5 challenges is to collect floating rings near Reality Falls.

In order to complete this challenge you need to know the locations of the floating rings and collect five of them but this doesn’t have to be done in a single match.

The reward for completing this task is 15,000 XP which will help you rank up your Battle Pass unlocking new skins along the way.

Where are the Fortnite floating ring’s locations?

In total there are 10 rings near Reality Falls, but you only have to collect five of them to complete the challenge.

Three rings are relatively easy to find as they’re located around the tree itself but, it may be quicker to look for the five rings located in the northwestern if Reality Falls upon the cliffs and you’ll find 7 there.

The best way to collect the rings is by gliding into them at the start of the match or using a Rift-To-Go near their location. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to collect all five to complete the challenge in one match so don’t worry, just finish it off in the next game.

However, if you couldn’t glide to the location and don’t have a Rift-To-Go then you can use the Slurp Bouncer Mushrooms which are dotted around the Reality Falls area. We found the cliff above the waterfall has the most floating rings and bouncer mushrooms.

For some rings, you’ll need to use a bouncer mushroom to land on a big mushroom to then run and jump to collect the ring.

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