Whether it be Winterfest, Fortnitemares or summer events Fortnite players love to experience something new each holiday or seasonal event and now Data Miner HYPEX has shared some info on what to expect.

A tweet from HYPEX states there will be “No Sweat & Sweaty Rebuild Summer Events” in the battle royale. In this event, you will need to complete three different stages: Sponsorship, Marketing and Product Recall. The quest will use new props and voice lines throughout the event.

Along with the above HYPEX mentioned some of the challenges including searching “No Sweat Umbrella” containers, participating in a boat race and interacting with multiple props.

The event may introduce a new item and potentially new features like skating and boat racing. One thing is for certain, players are eager to learn more about the 2022 summer event.

Past leaks suggest new characters will be added to the game in their summer outfits. Unpeely, Broadwalk Ruby and Summer Drift.

As well as all of this there will be new story content, and new skate park content landmarks which is a huge hint that skating will be coming to Fortnite in this summer’s event. Bear in mind this is complete speculation, some people have said that this update could land as soon as Tuesday, July 19th.

Nothing has been officially confirmed by Epic so we will need to wait until we can say these additions are for certain.

In the meantime, check out the HYPD Stream Team on Facebook and HYPDLive on our Twitch channel streaming games daily.

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