As with every season of Fortnite, the community have tonnes of prognoses on the theme for the new upcoming season. This time a popular rumour has appeared stating that Kevin ‘The Cube’ will be making a reappearance!
During Season 5 Epic Games haven’t failed in terms of new content; skins, weapons, cosmetics and more. Which only leaves us to speculate what we’ll see in the new season, it could be anything but, we may have the answer. This rumour has been mentioned by popular YouTubers like Ali-A.
Will Kevin the Cube Return in Fortnite Season 6?
Kevin hasn’t appeared on the Fortnite map for three years since 2018, over the past few years there have been rumours of his return. Could it be time for the darkness to arise?
Reddit member Duskyxlops mapped out seven portal locations and believes they line up making a cube.
Duskyxlops said “So far the portal locations are forming a cube. Just like the runes, Kevin imprinted on the map in Season 5 Chapter 1– Two are unreleased.”
He then added “Dark energy might corrupt the portals and make corrupted zones next season,”
The below image is where the current portal locations are, there are still two to be released.
After seeing this many Fortnite fans we’re instantly coming up with their own theories of how the cube would make it back into the game. Some claim there are more hints hidden in the game files.
Reddit user ‘TonyThePapyrus’ said “There are sounds in the files for mechanical door opening sounds. The redacted bunker, Kevin the cube. Those two Spots lineup. Kevin is in the redacted bunker, I’m calling it,”
With less than a month to wait for 16th March the end of Season 5, we expect to see the last portal locations within a few weeks, which will make or break this rumour.
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