‘Search the farm for clues’ is the first legendary quest for week 4 in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7.

You only have until the end of this week to complete this challenge so if you haven’t done it already keep reading unless you want to miss out on all the XP.

The reward for completing this challenge is an impressive 45k XP which you can put towards unlocking Battle Stars for the Season 7 Battle.

Fortnite farm clues locations

To find the clues you need to visit Steel Farm, a landmark location just to the east of Corny Complex. If you’re having trouble the best thing to do is to glide towards Corny Complex and then land by the house on the opposite side of the river.

The farm clue locations are here

There are 4 clues total but you only need to find 2 to complete the challenge.

One is located by a pile of logs next to the river north of the farmhouse

The second by a bunch of boulders just east of the bridge connecting Corny Complex and Steel Farm

The third can be found by some trees by the farmhouse

Lastly, the fourth can be found next to a tractor in the cornfield.

These are the Fortnite farm clues locations, happy hunting!

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