In case you missed the Future Games Show: Spring Showcase, we’ve condensed all announcements into an article for you. So sit back, relax and enjoy all the upcoming games from Lord of the Rings: Gollum to Kena: Bridge of Spirits. There’s a massive variety so they’ll certainly be something that takes your fancy.

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum (N/A / N/A)

The first proper look at gameplay from The Lord of the Rings: Gollum. We don’t know how long we’ll have to wait to play, most likely a year at least but we love the idea of being able to get into the mind of Gollum and Smeagol.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits (Release: 24th August / PC, PS4 & PS5)

The trailer for this game has been released already but we got a whole new look at the Future Show Games event. Possibly one of the cutest games of the show created by Ember Labs. Battle your way through beautiful landscapes, swim through luscious lakes, all while battling impost monsters guided by Kena, your spirit guide.

Sifu (Release 2021 / PC, PS4 & PS5)

You take on the role of a Kung-Fu student set on avenging his murdered family, you’ll need to use everything in your arsenal both martial art skills and environmental weapons to defeat the enemy. Along the way, you’ll fight 5 assassins who were linked with the murder of your family and each represents a different element inspired by Chinese mythology.

Humankind (Release: 17th August / PC & Stadia)

If you’re a fan of 4X games like Civilization then Humankind will be right up your street. This awesomely strategic game from Amplitude Studios starts with 60 different cultures to choose from and from there you create your own story; will you rise or fall? There are some interesting mechanics like bribes and threats to help keep your civilization’s economy pumping and army equipped.

Martha is Dead (Release: 2021 / PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S & Xbox One)

This physiological thriller sees you play Julia, twin to the deceased Martha. While dealing with her loss WWII is brewing. The trailer alone is quite hair-raising so you can expect the game to be filled with horror, emotional impacts and mysteries when released.

Life is Strange: True Colors (Release: 10th September / PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One & Stadia)

In this new adventure game, you take on the role of Alex Chen, who has the supernatural ability to feel others emotions but with increased intensity. As she explores her new home in Haven Springs she will face tragedy, find romance and be reunited with her brother. If you played Before the Storm before you may notice a friendly face make an appearance with an important role in this new story.

Sub Rosa (Early access on Steam now / PC)

With its different edgy visual style, this online FPS is one to try out for sure. Fight for control over coloured disks and cash to build your criminal empire, and of course, with any criminal activity, you can expect double-crosses, deals and car chases. The cash you amass can be used to better kit our your crew or invest in shady stocks. It’s one of a kind and looks like it’d be really fun!

Haunted Space (Release: 2021 / PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X)

This was a world premiere of Haunted Space, an interstellar combat game where you’ll fight, trade and compete against other space pirates and extraterrestrial beings.

Lost Worlds: Beyond The Page (Release: 6th April / PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch)

 Script Writer Rhianna Pratchett gives us an awesome insight into the 2D world of Lost Worlds which merges real life and the young hero’s fantasy world. We get to see snippets of her mythical world full of monsters and fire and also Izzy’s emotional journal which portrays an emotional family story.

War Hospital (Release: 2022 / PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X)

An interesting new take on a typical war game. You take on the role of a medic on the frontline in WW1 making life and death decision while the war beckons outside your tent.

Fire Commander (Release: N/A / PC, PS5, PS4 & Xbox)

Have you always dreamed of being a firefighter but didn’t like the risks of singeing your hair? Game developers MovieGames, known for their simulation games like Alaskan Trucker have created a firefighter simulation game, take control of a team of firefighters to help tackle blazes and save civilians.

Don’t Forget Me (Release: 20th April / PC)

In this adventure game from The Moon Pirates, you play as an amnesiac who dives into the memories of those around you, discovering unnerving conspiracy along the way. Your decisions matter and to beat text-based puzzle systems you’ll need to rely on your empathy and observation.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey (Release: 29th March / PC)

We got an inside look into the new massive expansion pack which sees the addition of Apex Interstellar shuttle service which is a taxi service for interplanetary travel. You can travel between port and settlements and even get a shuttle to pick you up from the surface “just like hailing a cab”.

Serial Cleaners (Release 2021 / PC)

A never seen before gameplay clip was showcased at this event to give us an idea of what kind of messes we’ll be cleaning up. As we hoped, it’s not dusting blinds or the top of wardrobes… Instead, it’s putting bodies through wood chippers, you’ll have a choice of 4 different cleaners all with the same goal of making the crime scene spotless removing any evidence.

Oddworld: Soulstorm (Release: 6th April to 3rd May / PC, PS5 & PS4)

We’re given a walkthrough of one of the much anticipated new Oddworld instalment levels by Lorne Lanning. This showcases different approaches to the game, whether you prefer the classic sneaky approach or if not, you can craft weapons and take on enemies head-on.

Operation: Tango (Release: 1st June / PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One.

Fancy yourself as a spy? Have a mate who thinks they’ve got what it takes? This is your proving grounds, you and a friend partner up to sneak through levels undetected. You’ll need to work together to complete a variety of different tasks, so be smart when picking your partner.

Green Hell (Release: June 2021 / PS4 & Xbox One)

It’s finally coming to consoles! Green Hell has been frustrating PC players for a while and now console players get to join in. The aim is to survive the Amazon Rainforest by crafting, building and fending off predators.

The Longest Road on Earth (Spring 2021 / PC & Mobile)

Black and white, no speech, no text with a haunting soundtrack. It’s certainly one of a kind game and the pixel art adds a certain nostalgic feels.

Future Hits Montage (Late 2021 / PC)

Sit back and enjoy a montage of 10 indie games hoping to launch this year.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Tempestfall

This VR action game had a brand new cinematic to give gamers an idea of the awesome armour and ghoulish enemies you can expect to face when playing Age of Sigmar.

Back 4 Blood (October 2021 / PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S & Xbox One)

We got an extended look and more details about this zombie survival game. At the start of each round the AI Director will play cards that modify threats you’ll face and you can play your own cards as well to help strategise. You’ll be able to play this game soon in Beta form but a release date for that is unknown.

Kathy Rain: Director’s Cut (Release: Late 2021 / PC)

This is a point and click style game where you take on the role of Kathy, armed with a motorcycle, a pack of cigarettes and a note pad you investigate the mysterious death of your grandfather showcasing emotional and personal turmoil.

Embr (Release: May 2021 / PC)

A fun multiplayer game where you can take on many different roles from firefighter to fast food deliverer. It’s like Overcooked but with firefighters, it promises to bring a new dimension to your gaming sessions.

GameDec (Release: 21st September / PC)

A new take on a detective story that relies on your skills and knowledge to find backdoors and clues to help combat cybercrime.

It Takes Two (Release: 26th May / PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S & Xbox One)

We got a look at this inventive ‘one of a kind’ co-op platformer which is a vivid narrative-driven game.

Of Bird and Cage (21st May / PC)

After watching the gameplay trailer we think it’s safe to say it’s one of a kind and the rock opera music certainly adds a sense of urgency. If you like heavy metal then this would be the perfect game for you!

Quantum Error 

Fan favourite Quantum Error is back and this time around we got a much better look at new details. It turns out the monsters on Jupiter are just and troublesome as the ones on Earth.

Savior (Release: Winter 2022 / N/A)

In the 2D platformer, you play as Sam who has no memory and is on a mission to learn about her past and the odd land she’s found herself in.

Naraka: Bladepoint (Release: Summer 2021 / PC)

This game pits you up against 60 ninjas in a battle royale game. If there’s anything that can make a genre better, it’s ninjas.

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (N/A / N/A)

Brand new DLC for Shadow Tactics which focuses on the brilliant experiences coming from Daedalic Entertainment.

Glitchpunk (N/A / N/A)

A top-down shooter with a strong Cyberpunk type aesthetic. You play as a bounty hunter making money in a neon-lit future.

These are just some of the games which were announced at the Future Games Show, if you wish to watch the entire show you can do so here:

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